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Rain Water Harvesting System

Where there is no surface water, where groundwater is deep or inaccessible due to hard ground conditions, or where it is too salty, acidic or otherwise unpleasant or unfit to drink, another source must be sought. In areas that have regular rainfall, the most appropriate alternative is the collection of rainwater, called ‘rainwater harvesting’.

 Rainwater harvesting is usually taken to mean the immediate collection of rainwater running off surfaces upon which it has fallen directly.

Rainwater harvesting is a technology used for collecting and storing rainwater from rooftops, the land surface or rock catchments using simple techniques such as jars and pots as well as more complex techniques such as underground check dams.

Commonly used systems are constructed of three principal components; namely,

1.  The Catchment Area,

  • Rooftop Catchments,

In the most basic form of this technology, rainwater is collected in simple vessels at the edge of the roof. As the rooftop is the main catchment area, the amount and quality of rainwater collected depends on the area and type of roofing material. Roof catchments should also be cleaned regularly to remove dust, leaves and bird droppings so as to maintain the quality of the product water.

  •       Land Surface Catchments,

Rainwater harvesting using ground or land surface catchment areas is less complex way of collecting rainwater. It involves improving runoff capacity of the land surface through various techniques including collection of runoff with drain pipes and storage of collected water. Compared to rooftop catchment techniques, ground catchment techniques provide more opportunity for collecting water from a larger surface area. There is a possibility of high rates of water loss due to infiltration into the ground, and, because of the often marginal quality of the water collected, this technique is mainly suitable for storing water for agricultural purposes.

2.      2. The Collection Device

  •        Storage tanks,

 Storage tanks for collecting rainwater harvested using guttering may be either above or below the ground. Precautions required in the use of storage tanks include provision of an adequate enclosure to minimize contamination from human, animal or other environmental contaminants, and a tight cover to prevent algal growth and the breeding of mosquitos.

3.      3. Conveyance Systems
Conveyance systems are required to transfer the rainwater collected on the rooftops to the storage tanks. This is usually accomplished by making connections to one or more down-pipes connected to the rooftop gutters. When selecting a conveyance system, consideration should be given to the fact that, when it first starts to rain, dirt and debris from the rooftop and gutters will be washed into the down-pipe. Thus, the relatively clean water will only be available some time later in the storm. 

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