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Common terms in rigid pavement construction


Admixtures Are materials added to concrete in order to modify its properties.

These are materials which fill the top inch of the joint and resists the entry of grit and water.

These are materials which separate adjacent slabs so that they can expand.

Expansion Joints
Expansion joints provide gaps in the concrete to allow for expansion of slabs when the temperature 
rises above the temperature at which the concrete was laid.

Contraction Joints
Contraction joints are essentially breaks in the structural continuity of the concrete,permitting it to contract when the temperature falls below the temperature of laying.

Construction Joints
Construction joints are formed when work has to be unexpectedly interrupted at a point where no joint would otherwise be required, or sometimes when repair work has to be carried out.

Warping joints
Warping joints are simply breaks in the continuity of the concrete but opening of the joints is prevented by Tie-bars or reinforcement.

Longitudinal Joints
Longitudinal joints are joints normally placed between traffic lanes in rigid pavements to control longitudinal cracking.

Dowel Bars
This is a load transfer device in a rigid slab, usually consisting of a plain round steel bar.

Tie bar
This is a deformed steel bar or connector embedded across a joint in a rigid slab to prevent separation of abutting slabs.

Steel embedded in a rigid slab to resist tensile stresses and detrimental opening of cracks.

Refers to Jointed concrete Pavement.

Refers to Jointed reinforced concrete pavement.

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